Saturday, January 19, 2008

Frances Satterthwaite Birkhofer, Cecil Houseman, Ray Houseman, Paul Satterthwaite at the Satterthwaite farm.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Please share your memories of life with Fred and Marvel Satterthwaite.

Marvel Satterthwaite Johnson
October 11, 1971 -- 75th birthday
Photo taken at Frances's house.

The Satterthwaite family
(Front row, l-r) Marvel, Fred, Grace Rife
(2nd row, l-r) Mike Dickey, Norma Dickey, Verna Satterthwaite, Hazel Satterthwaite, Frances Birkhofer
(3rd row, l-r) Raymond Satterthwaite, John McConnaha, Helen McConnaha, Everett Rife, Nevin Birkhofer
(Back) Paul Satterthwaite
What this taken in 1958? What was the occassion?

The Satterthwaite family
(Front, l-r) Paul, Marvel, Fred. (Back, l-r) Frances, Norma, Grace
When was this taken?
Grandpa Satterthwaite didn't change much between this picture and the one before!

The Satterthwaite family.
(Front, l-r) Marvel, Paul, Fred, Frances. (Back, l-r) Grace, Norma.
What year was this taken?

Marvel and Fred Satterthwaite
When was this picture taken?